Educational Support Services

Each school within Anglophone School District North has an Education Support Services Team (ESST). The role of the ESST is to assist classroom teachers in developing and implementing instructional strategies and behavior management strategies for students.  ESSTs also coordinate support resources for students. The ESST members include: the school Principal, the school Resource teacher, the School Counselor, as well as the Vice-Principal or other classroom teachers as needed. The ESST may also include a Child and Youth team member (this may be a School Counselor or Social Worker), who serves as a link to Addictions and Mental Health services through Horizon/Vitalite. 

Each school-based ESS Team is supported by a District ESS Team. The District ESS Team provides additional expertise as requested and supports professional learning for school-based ESS team members and school staffs.  

If your student has additional educational needs—whether they are medical, mental health, or learning needs—your school’s Education Support Services Team is there to ensure those needs are met.  To begin the conversation about your child’s additional educational needs, please contact your child’s teacher, resource teacher, school counsellor, or principal.

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