Early Childhood
Your Child’s EYE-DA Assessment
A typical EYE-DA assessment takes approximately 45 minutes. Some children finish quickly and others take slightly longer. If your child needs you to be near, we will arrange it. We want this first experience with school to be positive.
Your child will be returned to you, once the assessment is completed. The assessment is individually scored using a computerized program, therefore, the assessor cannot comment on the results. The EYE-DA is meant for children aged 3-6 years and each child’s birth date is taken into account to provide an accurate result.
The EYE-DA offers an opportunity for parents and educators to gain insight into each child’s development. You will receive a copy of the results with a letter explaining the score. The letter will also contain contact information for a representative of Family and Early Childhood North Inc. Once you receive your results, please contact this person with any questions or concerns.