C/SR-1 Superintendent/Council Relationship


POLICY NO:             C/SR-1


EFFECTIVE:             July 1, 2012

REVISED:                 August 19, 2013; June 19, 2017; April 16, 2019; June 2, 2023

POLICY:                    The Superintendent, as chief executive officer, is accountable to the Council acting as a body corporate.  The Council must instruct the Superintendent through written policies and must delegate interpretation and implementation of these policies to the Superintendent:

  1. The Council will direct the Superintendent to achieve certain results, for certain recipients, at a certain cost through the establishment of Ends policies.  The Council will limit the latitude the Superintendent may exercise in practices, methods, conduct and other means to the ends through establishment of Executive Limitations policies.

2.   As long as the Superintendent uses any reasonable interpretation of the Council’s Ends results and Executive Limitations policies, the Superintendent is authorized to establish all further district regulations, make all decisions, take all actions, establish all practices and develop all activities.

3.  The Council may change its End Results and Executive Limitations policies, thereby shifting the boundary between Council and Superintendent domains.  By so doing, the Council changes the latitude choice given to the Superintendent.  So long as any particular delegation is in place, the Council and its members shall respect and support the Superintendent’s choices.  This does not prevent the Council from obtaining information in the delegated areas, except for data of a personal nature dealing with students or staff.

4.  Only decisions of the Council acting as a body are binding upon the Superintendent.

  1. Decisions or instructions of individual Council members, officers, or committees will not be binding on the Superintendent except when the Council has specifically authorized such exercise of authority.
  • In the case of Council members or committees requesting information or assistance without council authorization, the Superintendent can refuse such requests that require—in the Superintendent’s judgment—a material amount of staff time or funds or are disruptive.


            Method(s):                 Superintendent’s Evaluation

            Frequency:                Annually

            Month:                        March

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