C/SR-4 Monitoring Council Organizational Performance


POLICY NO:             C/SR-4


EFFECTIVE:             July 1, 2012

REVISED:                 August 19, 2013; June 19, 2017; April 16, 2019; June 2, 2023

POLICY:                    Monitoring organizational performance against Council policies on End results and on Executive Limitations will be the Council’s responsibility.  Accordingly:   

1.  The Council will be required to monitor data on Ends and Executive Limitations policies by one or more of the following three methods:

  • Internal report, in which the Superintendent and/or chair discloses information and certifies compliance to the Council;
  • Meeting Review Form, in which the Council does a self-assessment after each monthly meeting;
  • Direct Council inspection, in which the whole Council formally assesses with the appropriate policy criteria.

2.  In every case, the standard for compliance must be whether the Superintendent has reasonably interpreted the Council policy being monitored and determination of whether reasonable progress is being made toward achieving the Council’s End policies.  The Council will make the final determination as to whether a Superintendent interpretation or whether reasonable progress is being made.

3.   All policies that instruct the Superintendent will be monitored on schedule and by a method chosen by the Council.  The Council may monitor any policy at any time by any method, but as a rule will depend upon the following schedule and method.

MonthEnd ResultsGovernance ProcessCouncil-Staff RelationshipExecutive Limitations
AugustE-1, E-3GP 1, 2, 3, 5 & 7 (Meeting Review Form)C/SR-4EL-3, EL-4, EL-9,  EL-13
September GP 1, 2, 3, 5 & 7 (Meeting Review Form) EL-2, EL-5, EL-8
October GP 1, 2, 3, 5 & 7 (Meeting Review Form) GP-11  
NovemberE-4GP 1, 2, 3, 5 & 7 (Meeting Review Form) EL-4
DecemberE-3GP 1, 2, 3, 5 & 7 (Meeting Review Form)C/SR-2EL-11, EL-12
JanuaryE-2GP 1, 2, 3, 5 & 7 (Meeting Review Form) GP-9 EL-1
February GP 1, 2, 3, 5 & 7 (Meeting Review Form) EL-4
March GP 1, 2, 3, 5 & 7 (Meeting Review Form) GP-8C/SR-1, C/SR-3EL-2
AprilE-2GP 1, 2, 3, 5 & 7 (Meeting Review Form) GP-4  
MayE-2GP 1, 2, 3, 5 & 7 (Meeting Review Form) GP-9 EL-6, EL-10, EL-10a
JuneE-4GP 1, 2, 3, 5 & 7 (Meeting Review Form) GP-10, GP-11C/SR-2EL-4, EL-12, EL-14

*GP-6: Committee Reports-As requested

*EL-7: Continuous Monitoring

4.  The summative evaluation will be based upon data collected during the year from the monitoring of Council policies on Ends and Executive Limitations.  The Council will review this in June of each year in a closed session and the Chair will report in August the Council’s decision.


            Method(s):                 Monthly Review Form

            Frequency:                Annual Report by Chair

            Month:                        August

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