GP-5 Chair’s Role


POLICY NO:             GP-5

SUBJECT:                CHAIR’S ROLE

EFFECTIVE:             July 1, 2012

REVISED:                 August 19, 2013; June 19, 2017; April 16, 2019; June 2, 2023

POLICY:                    The Council Chair will be responsible for the integrity of the Council’s processes and its representation to outside parties by:

1.   Ensuring that Council behavior is consistent with its own rules and those legitimately imposed upon it from outside the organization.

a)  Meeting discussion must be limited to those issues which, according to Council policy, clearly belong to the Council to decide, not the Superintendent.

b) Deliberation must be fair, open, thorough, orderly, and to the point.

2.   Being authorized to make decisions on Governance Process and Council-Staff Relationship, except where the Council specifically delegates portions of this authority to others.

a)  The Chair is empowered to chair Council meetings with all the commonly accepted power of that position (e.g. ruling, recognizing).

b)  The Chair has no authority to make decisions about policies in those areas previously determined by the Council to be the responsibility of the Superintendent (End Results and Executive Limitations).  Therefore, the Chair has no authority to supervise or direct the Superintendent.

c)   The Chair, or his/her designate, is the spokesperson for the District Education Council.


            Method(s):                 Monthly Review Form

            Frequency:                Monthly

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