102 – Purchase Cards

SUBJECT:                            Purchase Cards

EFFECTIVE:                         August 23, 2005

REVISED:                             August 19, 2013    

PURPOSE:               To govern and regulate the use of purchase cards as a means of conducting business on behalf of Anglophone North School District.


  1. Purchase cards are meant to replace the Local Purchase Order.
  2. Purchase cards can be used to purchase goods and services up to the value of $1,500.00 before tax and shipping.
  3. Individual purchase card transactions must not be used cumulatively to exceed the $1,500.00 limit.
  4. Purchase cards must not be used to split purchases of similar items that individually are below the $1,500.00, but in total exceed the $1,500.00 limit.
  5. Purchase cards must not under any circumstances be used for travel, living or entertainment expenses, advances, personal purchases or any other personal use.
  6. Purchase cards can be used to purchase goods for business meeting expense, i.e. food for a supper meeting.
  7. Purchase cards should not be used to purchase vehicle fuel for personal use or vehicle rentals.
  8. Only the person whose name is on the card can use it.  The card must not be lent for others to use.  The cardholder is ultimately responsible for all purchases made on his/her card.
  9. Purchase cards must be kept in the cardholder’s possession and should be kept secure.
  10. If you are unsure as to whether a purchase is allowable, please contact the Budget and Accounting Manager.
  11. All goods and services purchased directly from a vendor must be supported by a credit card receipt and the vendor’s invoice or receipt.
  12. Cardholders must ensure that the transactions do not violate any of the applicable restrictions before purchases can be made either over the telephone or via the internet (secured sites only).
  13. Where permissible, goods purchased over the internet require that the purchase transaction screen be printed and retained as well as the vendor’s invoice and receiving slip.
  14. Where permissible, purchases made by telephone require that a record of the transaction be retained, including a confirmation number, if applicable, as well as the invoice and receiving slip.
  15. On a weekly basis (by Tuesday of the following week), purchase card transactions must be “verified” by the cardholder where goods or services have been received.
  16. Immediately following the verification, the Cardholder Review Transaction Report is printed and the purchase card slips and invoices are attached to it.  The report is signed and forwarded to the appropriate personnel to be finalized, or if it is required, forwarded to the Supervisor/Manager/Principal for authorization, who will submit it to the appropriate personnel after they authorize the expenditures.
  17. Cards that are lost or stolen must be reported immediately to the Bank of Montreal through its toll free number 1-800-283-2263.
  18. The cardholder must immediately advise his supervisor and the Department/District Administrator.

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