SUBJECT: Personnel Selection and Hiring Procedures for Permanent and Casual Positions
EFFECTIVE: March 4, 2002
REVISED: October 29, 2004; August 23, 2005; August 19, 2013
PURPOSE: To regulate practices and procedures related to the engagement or hiring of new employees.
- All positions must be open to all qualified persons with no discrimination on the basis of race, gender, age, religious affiliation, or nationality.
- All vacancies must be filled through the office of the Director of Human Resources.
- In the case of advertisements, applications will be received by the Director of Human Resources. Screening and shortlisting of applications will be overseen by the Director of Human Resources in conjunction with the Superintendent.
- A list of all applicants for each position must be prepared. Applicants selected for interview must be indicated on such lists.
- An interview panel consisting of a minimum of three (3) persons (one being from the Human Resources Department) will conduct interviews for each advertised teaching and non-teaching position. The panel may include the Superintendent, Senior Education Officer (or designate) and the immediate supervisor of the position to be filled. Every effort must be made to include a District Education Council representative and a Parent School Support Committee representative.
- Based on Board of Management Policy 86.0180, staff and other employer representatives cannot participate in the hiring process when one or more relatives is a candidate. Similarly, a principal or other supervisory personnel should not have direct responsibility for a relative.
- Following interviews, a summary of panel findings and recommendations for hiring must be forwarded to the Superintendent.
- A formal written evaluation, prepared by the school principal (or supervisor), is required immediately following the first six weeks of employment for all long-term replacement employees, including teachers classified under Article 44 of the NBTA Collective Agreement.