SUBJECT: Engagement of Supply Teachers
EFFECTIVE: October 29, 2004
REVISED: August 23, 2005; August 19, 2013
PURPOSE: To regulate practices and procedures related to the engagement of supply teachers.
- Supply teachers must be engaged from the approved district list established on the Supply Teachers’ Booking System.
- Priority must be given firstly to qualified, licensed teachers, then retired teachers and lastly those who hold a local permit. The maximum for retired teachers is 20 days per year; however, the District will be required to report to the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development every six months, detailed reasons as to why a retired teacher was rehired for a period of time exceeding 20 days to a maximum of 80.
- A long-term supply assignment is one expected to last more than twenty (20) work days. The procedures to follow in filling such a position are as outlined in Regulation 201, “Personnel Selection and Hiring Procedures for Permanent and Casual Positions”.
- Every reasonable effort must be made to engage supply teachers from the approved list before alternatives are considered.