SUBJECT: Volunteers in Schools
EFFECTIVE: September 2010
REVISED: August 19, 2013
PURPOSE: Anglophone North School District welcomes the participation of volunteers at all levels (K-12) and values the work done in our schools by volunteers. Volunteers provide an opportunity for community members to participate in the life of a school – assisting teachers, acting as a resource person, enriching student experiences, strengthening school/community partnerships and relationships, assisting on committees and extra-curricular activities, and organizing events. Volunteers reflect our community members’ diverse interests, ages, and professions. Parents, business people, retired citizens, and members of organizations are among those providing valuable contributions of time and talents.
The important contribution of our community members is valued; however, screening procedures are important for the protection of students and volunteers. This regulation outlines the procedures to be followed by schools and volunteers.
- The Principal may involve community volunteers to enhance the planning and/or delivery of the school program and/or its environment. The Principal is responsible for all volunteer activities.
- All volunteers will be provided a copy of the Anglophone North School District Volunteer Information Brochure (Appendix A).
- Each volunteer with Anglophone North School District will have a designated supervisor who is responsible for the work of that volunteer and who shall be available to the volunteer for consultation and assistance regarding their roles and responsibilities.
- Volunteers may not replace employees in the performance of tasks which are their legal or contractual responsibilities. A copy will be submitted to the Office of the Superintendent.
- The Principal must ensure that all volunteers complete a Volunteer Screening Declaration Form (Appendix B).
- The Principal must ensure that volunteers with unsupervised access to pupils (e.g. volunteer coaches, drivers, etc.) are screened and trained appropriately in accordance with the New Brunswick Department of Education and Early Childhood Development, Policy 701, Protection of Pupils in the Public School System from Misconduct by Adults, have submitted a Policy 701 Sign-Off Sheet (Appendix C) and completed and submitted the online validation questionnaire at
- The Principal must ensure that volunteers at the K-5 level, having unsupervised access to pupils, provide a criminal record check form. This criminal record check will have been completed within six months of the date of submission. There are two types of criminal record check forms – RCMP form for volunteers who live in rural communities and a City Police form for volunteers who live within the city limits.
- The Principal must ensure that volunteers at the Grade 6-12 levels, having one-on-one access to pupils, provide a criminal record check form. This criminal record check will have been completed within six months of the date of submission. There are two types of criminal record check forms – RCMP form for volunteers who live in rural communities and a City Police form for volunteers who live within the city limits.
- The Principal, or designate, must check the references of all volunteers. Three questions that must be part of this reference check are:
- Do you believe this person would be suitable to work in a school system in direct contact with children?
- Would you have any reservations about placing this person in such a position?
- Are you aware of any past criminal activity or do you have any knowledge of behavior that might be a threat to pupils?
- The Principal must maintain a file of all Volunteer documentation. These records shall be accorded the same confidentiality as staff personnel records.
- Principals must make every effort to ensure volunteers are not privy to confidential information (e.g. student records, unlisted phone numbers, etc.).
- Volunteers are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of all privileged information to which they are exposed while performing their duties.
- The principal must ensure that volunteers are trained in their duties.
- Volunteers may be asked to discontinue their duties if they fail to meet their commitment, if they prove to be counterproductive, if their services are no longer required, or if their behavior is not exemplary for students to emulate.

Anglophone North School District
Volunteer Screening Declaration
(CONFIDENTIAL – School Use Only)
Please list the names and phone numbers of two references (not family members):
1. Name: ________________________________ Telephone: _______________________
Company or Agency: _____________________________________________________
Address: _______________________________________________________________
Date: __________________________________________ Time: _________________
2. Name: ________________________________ Telephone: ______________________
Company or Agency: _____________________________________________________
Address: _______________________________________________________________
Date: __________________________________________ Time:__________________
Verification that references were checked:
Signature of Principal/Supervisor: __________________________ Date: _________________
*Please refer to the reverse side if you will be having unsupervised access to pupils while volunteering
Appendix B
Anglophone North School District
Volunteer Screening Declaration
(CONFIDENTIAL – School Use Only)
We value your important contribution and want to assure you that the screening procedures that we have in place for all volunteers are necessary to provide children with the safest possible learning environment.
Volunteers with unsupervised access to pupils will be asked to fill out a sign-off to ensure familiarity with Policy 701 – Pupil Protection Policy, and must submit a criminal record check.
Policy 701
Go to the following website…
You must read through the modules, complete validation questionnaire with 100% accuracy, submit and print off a copy, sign it, and have your principal sign a copy.
If access to the internet is not available, information on Policy 701 can be obtained at the Office of the Superintendent.
Criminal Record Checks
A criminal record check form can be obtained from the local police or RCMP station. Bring the completed form back to the school. These checks should not have been completed more than six months prior to the date submitted.

Waiver Form for Volunteers in Anglophone North School District
This is to acknowledge receipt of a copy of the Child Abuse Protocols and Policy 701 (Pupil Protection). I understand that I am required to complete required training on this policy and forward results to the school principal for review.
__________________________________ _________________________
Name – Print Signature
Address Postal Code
Telephone Number
Anglophone North Tel: (506)778-6075
School District Fax: (506)778-6090
78 Henderson Street
Miramichi, NB
E1N 2R7