207 – Staff Evaluation

SUBJECT:                            Staff Evaluation

EFFECTIVE:                         August 19, 2013

PURPOSE:                           With respect to evaluation of employees, the Superintendent must not fail to develop an evaluation system that links employee performance with their contribution toward achieving the District Education Council’s Ends policies and their compliance with the District Education Council’s organizational Limitations policies.


Accordingly, the Superintendent may not:

1.   Fail to develop and administer an ongoing evaluation system for all instructional personnel that is designed to:

            a)  improve instruction,

            b)  measure professional improvement, development and performance,

            c)   document unsatisfactory as well as excellent performance,

            d)  link performance evaluation with multiple indicators of effective teaching, and

            e)  assure that instructional time is used to the maximum advantage of students. 

2.   Fail to develop and administer an ongoing evaluation system for all non-instructional personnel.

3.   Fail to provide to the District Education Council an annual report on the effectiveness of the evaluation system and its alignment with the District Education Council’s Ends policies.

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