SUBJECT: Professional Conduct
EFFECTIVE: February 28, 2019
PURPOSE: ASD-N promotes a positive learning and working environment in which individuals are committed to performing their responsibilities according to the highest standards of professional and personal conduct. These individuals are responsible for promoting an environment in which respect for human rights exists and where working relationships can develop in an atmosphere of trust, mutual respect, and dignity.
REGULATION: This regulation applies to all individuals who fulfill a job or role in ASD-N. This includes, but is not limited, to all employees, contract workers and volunteers, project workers, coaches, contracted employees, teacher interns, tutors, and Co-operative Education students. The regulation applies, at all times, when an individual represents ASD-N in an official or unofficial capacity.
1. Confidentiality
Individuals shall:
- Ensure confidentiality of information acquired in the course of duties by exercising due care while collecting, using, disclosing, storing, and disposing of personal data.
- Ensure that only essential personal information (defined as information about an identifiable individual) is collected and that consent is obtained from the individual to do so; that information is used and disclosed only for the purpose for which it was collected (unless authorized by law); and that when the information is no longer essential, it is disposed of in a secure manner.
- Ensure that information obtained during the administration of school-raised funds is treated in a private and confidential manner.
- Be aware that the obligation to comply with the above continues indefinitely, i.e. even after the relationship between the individual and the School District has ended.
2. Interpersonal Relationships
Individuals shall:
- Treat others with respect, dignity, and fairness at all times.
- Resolve conflict using respectful and appropriate means.
- Ensure the workplace is free from discrimination and harassment, and that due process and individual human rights are respected.
3. Accountability
Individuals shall:
- Demonstrate honesty and integrity in the fulfillment of their professional responsibilities.
- Acknowledge and respect the responsibility of ASD-N in their management role.
- Respect proper channels of communication (chain of command) and make every effort to resolve issues at the school/workplace level, prior to referring to external personnel.
- Acknowledge that all work produced related to their responsibilities in ASD-N is the sole property of ASD-N.
- Acknowledge that everyone is responsible for the learning of and/or learning conditions for students within ASD-N.
4. Standards of Work
Individuals shall:
- Endeavour to improve their professional competency on an ongoing basis.
- Conduct work in an objective, conscientious, effective and efficient manner.
- Work their prescribed daily schedule (including casual/supply).
- Schedule appointments, where possible, outside the hours of work.
- Respond to email communications, where possible, within a 24-hour time period.
- Perform duties in accordance with the highest standards of their profession and exercise due care.
- Comply with copyright laws and acknowledge the origin of material and concepts incorporated into their work.
- Become knowledgeable of, respect, and adhere to all applicable laws, acts/regulations, policies, and guidelines.
- Show proper care and regard for the property of the Crown, utilizing resources for the purpose of carrying out ASD-N business.
5. Conflict of Interest
Individuals shall:
- Avoid and/or disclose any conflict of interest or potential conflict of interest, which may appear to influence personal actions or judgments.
- Refrain from using a position of trust to receive special benefits.
6. Dress Code
Anglophone North School District recognizes the importance of the educational environment in promoting excellence in teaching and learning. The district is responsible for promoting an environment that is safe, nurturing, and supportive of the school system’s academic goals and educational responsibilities. Employees of ASD-N serve as role models for the students with whom they work and as leaders in the community.
Individuals shall:
- Dress in a manner and have an appearance that is appropriate and professional in light of the environment in which they work, the duties of their jobs, and the community they serve.
- Casual Fridays is an exception and should only take place in support of a charity.
7. Social Media
Anglophone North School District recognizes the importance of providing employees with a clear understanding of the impact of using social media and its appropriate use. In an ‘online world’, the lines between public and private, personal and professional can become blurred. Even when employees are social networking on their own time, they may be identified as working for and sometimes representing the School District in their online communications.
As an employer, we recognize the use of social media and networking as one means of communicating in the online world. However, we also recognize that the inadvertent misuse of social media by employees has the potential to put the reputation of the School District and its employees at risk. The following has been established to ensure best practices and mitigate both the School District and employees’ exposure to risk.
Maintaining professional boundaries in all forms of communication, technology-related or not, is vital to maintaining the public trust and appropriate professional relationships with students. Members must be aware of the numerous challenges and the ramifications associated with the use of electronic communication and social media.
Social media is defined as any form of online publication or presence that allows end users to engage in multi‐directional conversations in or around the content of the website. Social media includes, but is not restricted to, social networking, blogs, wikis, social bookmarking, podcasts, forums, content communities, email, instant messaging, and texting (SMS or texting). Interactions with and through social media occur through the use of web browsers, specialized software on computers and mobile devices.
Individuals shall:
- Use good judgment. Think about the type of image or information you want to convey. You are responsible for your online communications.
- As role models in a position of trust for students and a representative of the School District, you must ensure that your use of social networking, even on your personal
time, does not reflect negatively on your professional reputation or that of the School District.
- Use only school sanctioned sites and tools or other school approved means of communicating online with students and parents. All communication with students and parents should be formal, courteous and respectful and should pertain to school related matters.
- Respect the law in relation to your online communications. Protect the confidentiality of information regarding students and their families. Ensure compliance with copyright requirements. Do not make comments online which are defamatory of others.
- Monitor all content you or others post to your personal social media accounts to ensure that it is consistent with your role in the School District and professional standards. Remove any material which is inappropriate or contrary to this policy.
- Online activities must not interfere with the performance of your job or your effectiveness as an employee of the School District.
- Online communications should reflect the principles of honesty, respect, responsibility, and consideration of others.
- Do not disclose any confidential or personal information about students or their families in online communications. Do not post photographs or videos of students without the informed consent of the student and their parent(s).
- Social networking sites and online postings are not necessarily private. Never criticize students, other district employees or the School District on online sites.
- Use dedicated School District sites and tools for online communications with students and parents. Should you wish to create other sites and/or use other online forums for communicating with students, you must obtain approval from the principal in conjunction with the Subject Area Coordinator – Technology. All sites and online forums for communicating must comply with this policy and access must be appropriately restricted (e.g. to students assigned to your class or activity).
- Do not request or accept any students or minor (person under the age of 19 years) as ‘friends’ on social networking sites or interact with students or minors on social networking sites for purposes not related to the delivery of the student’s educational program.
- Do not exchange personal email addresses, or photographs with students. Do not exchange personal phone numbers without prior approval from your Administrator (e.g. for coaches for sports teams, drama productions etc.)
- Ask friends not to tag you in any photos or videos without your permission and remove anything that is not appropriate to your role in the School District.
- Avoid impulsive, inappropriate or heated postings. Remember that what you post may be viewed and archived permanently online.
- Personal cell phone use, access to social media and online shopping, is not to occur during instructional time with students, or prescribed work times. This expectation does not apply to employee breaks or lunch periods.
APPENDIX: Professional Conduct Brochure.
Note: Appropriate measures will be taken to address any breach of this regulation.