210 – Growth Process

SUBJECT:                            Growth Process

EFFECTIVE:                         September 2018

REVISED:                             October 2023

PURPOSE:                           The success of Anglophone North School District depends greatly on the quality and innovation of our employees.  Through systematic and objective performance review and clearly established objectives, employees will be encouraged to develop to their full potential.

The goal of the Growth Process is to provide an environment in which employees will be constantly improving and expanding their skillset, making them more effective and productive.   The appraisal and evaluation programs focus on coaching, development, continuous goal alignment and recognition.  Where employees encounter difficulties, the aim is always to provide the tools to correct and thus improve employee performance to acceptable levels.  These improvements will lead to positive changes in the overall effectiveness of the organization.  Improving the effectiveness of the organization will enhance student learning.


The following applies to all Anglophone North School District employees throughout their careers:

Standard Development:

Foundation Phase             (Beginning Employees)

Growth Phase                     (Experienced Employees)

Employees Experiencing Difficulty:

Assistance Phase              (Coaching Employees)

On-Review                           (Directing Employees)

Beginning Employees

For this process, employees are considered “beginning” employees from the date of hire  

(casual/supply, contract, or permanent position) until they have achieved three years experience (contract and/or permanent).

During the beginning phase, the employee’s immediate supervisor will attempt to provide coaching, mentoring and support.  Other resources may also be provided.

The evaluative aspect of the growth process applies to beginning employees because it recognizes new employees need a more direct approach to focusing on and improving performance.

Experienced Employees

For this process, employees will be considered “experienced” after they have completed three years (contract and/or permanent experience). 

The focus for experienced employees is growth.  An employee shall reflect on his/her performance, consider feedback from their supervisor, and determine areas where they can improve.  Supervisor feedback is provided less frequently than in the Foundation Phase.

Employees Having Difficulty

If performance issues arise, the responsible immediate supervisor will attempt to resolve the issue through discussion with the employee and develop a plan for improvement.  


If concern persists, the employee may need the Assistance Phase.  The employee is expected to take the supervisor’s concerns seriously and work together to refine the plan for improvement.   If results are insufficient from these efforts, the supervisor may recommend that the employee be placed On-Review.

On Review

The On-Review process is a formalized approach to dealing with employee performance issues.  The district, in conjunction with the supervisor, provides a more direct approach to achieving positive results.

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