303 – Discipline, Suspension

SUBJECT:                Discipline, Suspension

EFFECTIVE:             March 4, 2002

REVISED:                 August 23, 2005; November 9, 2007; August 19, 2013

PURPOSE:                           To create and maintain a safe, orderly climate for learning.  To regulate the administration of discipline in school, on buses, and at co- and extra-curricular activities.


  1. Each school is expected to develop discipline-related rules, regulations, and procedures that are consistent with district and Department of Education and Early Childhood Development policies, and with provincial legislation.
  1. School principals must ensure that students, parents, and guardians are aware of school rules, regulations, routines, and expectations, and the consequences that may result from violations.
  1. Inappropriate behaviour has consequences.  Consequences, up to and including a recommendation for long-term suspension, will escalate if a student’s behaviour is consistently disruptive to the learning process.  Consequences (sanctions) may include, but are not limited to, informal contact with parent(s) or guardian(s), formal contact with parent(s) or guardian(s), first-stage suspension (i.e. short-term removal from class), suspension up to five (5) days (for cause), and a recommendation to the Superintendent or designate for a long-term suspension.  When suspension from school is used as a sanction, principals must notify the parents or guardians and the Superintendent or designate.
  1. Termination of services will be as indicated in District Regulation 301.


a)        Unexcused absences are considered to be a breach of discipline.  Consequently, infractions of District Regulation 302 – Attendance (K-12) will be processed under this policy.

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