SUBJECT: Alcohol, Drugs, Tobacco, Cannabis, Vapes
EFFECTIVE: September, 2002
REVISED: August 19, 2013; April 10, 2019
PURPOSE: The District Education Council must ensure that all district schools, buildings, properties and vehicles used for school transportation are alcohol, tobacco, drug and smoke free. This applies to all staff, students and the general public and relates to owned and leased properties, buildings and vehicles.
Staff and students have an obligation to report to the school principal or his/her designate, all known instances of possession, use, or trafficking of any of the above-mentioned substances in school, on school property, or at any school-sponsored event. The purpose of this regulation is to guide and regulate the school’s response to the same.
First Offence: A student found in possession of, under the influence of, or using, alcoholic beverages, illegal drugs, cannabis or vapes at school, or at a school-sponsored event, will be subject to a suspension up to five (5) days. Students in possession of any drug paraphernalia may be subject to the same consequences. Depending on the circumstances, the principal may recommend a longer suspension and/or further sanctions. Prior to readmission, the student and his parent(s) or guardian(s) may be involved in a meeting with school officials.
Second Offence: For a second infraction, a long-term suspension may be imposed, and the student may be suspended from participation in all school-sponsored activities for the duration of that school year. The length of the school suspension shall be contingent on the nature of the offense.
Trafficking: The suspension for trafficking at school, either on or off school property, will be remainder of the current academic year.
Involvement of Police: School officials may involve police for possession or other lesser offences, and shall involve police for trafficking offences.
Dissemination And Awareness: Principals shall acquaint students and their parent(s) or guardian(s) of the contents of this statement on an annual basis.
Notes for Principals:
This regulation applies to the “admiring circle”. Those who choose to be in the presence of misuse of any of the above in schools, on school property, or at a school-sponsored event face same consequence. The same applies to instances of trafficking of either alcohol or illegal drugs.