604 – School Zones – Placement of Students in Neighbourhood Schools

SUBJECT:                School Zones – Placement of Students in Neighbourhood Schools

EFFECTIVE:             March 4, 2002

REVISED:                 August 23, 2005; August 1, 2008; August 19, 2013

PURPOSE:                           To establish and regulate the placement of students in neighbourhood schools.


  1. The fundamental guiding principle regulating the placement of students in schools is that students will normally be placed in the school(s) designated to serve the neighbourhood in which they live.
  1. School boundaries will be defined and described by the Superintendent and will be subject to periodic revision as circumstances dictate.
  1. In the event of a school closure, school(s) will be designated by the Superintendent to serve students living in neighbourhoods affected by such school closure(s).
  1. Exceptions to this school-placement principle and regulation will be considered only if room permits.  A decision to place a student in a school other than his designated neighbourhood school must be approved by the Superintendent or his designate, and the reason(s) for such a placement and conditions of placement must be recorded in writing and kept on file.
  1. The transfer of students for disciplinary reasons must not occur without prior consultation between both principals concerned and a district office representative.  Such transfers must be the exception rather than the rule.
  1. A student, who is attending a school other than his designated neighbourhood school, will be required to meet the bus or contractor at the designated loading point.  Existing conveyance runs will not be altered to meet the transportation requests of these students.
  1. All requests for exceptions must be made in writing to the Superintendent.

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