605 – Fundraising by Schools

SUBJECT:                            Fundraising by Schools

EFFECTIVE:                         April 26, 2005

REVISED:                             August 23, 2005; August 19, 2013

PURPOSE:                           To monitor fundraising.


  1. Fundraising by pupils, teachers, or students is permitted only to support co- and extra-curricular activities and is restricted to that purpose.
  1. Students from kindergarten to grade five inclusive are not permitted to be involved in any door-to-door solicitation sales on behalf of the school.
  1. All schools are encouraged to seek alternatives to door-to-door solicitation and sales as a means to raise funds for co- and extra-curricular activities.
  1. K-8 schools can only be involved in one major fundraiser per each school year.  High schools may consider a second major fundraiser, if necessary.  In September, each principal must submit a plan of fundraising activities for the year to the Senior Education Officer for approval.  The plan must include details of use of instructional time.
  1. Fundraising in support of charities is at the discretion of the principal, subject to approval by the Senior Education Officer.

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