610 – Parent Code of Conduct

SUBJECT:                            Parent Code of Conduct

EFFECTIVE:                         November 7, 2022


PURPOSE:                           To provide a comfortable and supportive environment in which students and staff can pursue education goals, social development, and positive mental health without the exposure to harmful or disrespectful behaviour or remarks. To develop positive relationships and effective communication with families, that supports students and staff. To develop and encourage acceptable channels of communication between families and staff/administration.  To model acceptable, positive and respectful behaviour for students.


This regulation applies to all adults within Anglophone North School District- parents, guardians, family members and members of the general community.  This regulation applies to parent behaviour online and in electronic communications (i.e.: negative social media posts targeting the school or staff) and other instances that could have an impact on the school climate.  This regulation works with but is not limited to the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development’s Policy 703.


Parents are expected to address questions, issues or concerns directly with their school administration (Principal, Vice-Principal).  If a satisfactory result cannot be achieved at the school level, parents must then address their questions, issues or concerns directly with the Director of Schools responsible for their area.  Issues, concerns, questions, etc. posted on-line will not be addressed or responded to via those platforms and may be subject to a follow up from school or school district officials.

The Parent Code of Conduct is intended to enhance ASD-N’s continued efforts toward achieving a safe and positive learning and working environment in our schools. The Code of Conduct is part of a school’s Positive Learning and Working Environment Plan, which outlines standards for appropriate behaviours expected in school and describes how the school will deal with inappropriate behaviours.

Violations of the Parent Code of Conduct may result in a meeting between the parent, the school and/or district officials.  In certain circumstances, violations may result in a parent being excluded from school property, school activities and any other school-related functions for the remainder of the school year (or a period to be determined by school and district officials).

Each school should take steps to promote and communicate the Parent Code of Conduct to all students, parents, teachers, and members of the school community.

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