611 – School Trips

SUBJECT:                            School Trips in Anglophone Districts

EFFECTIVE:                         November 1, 2023


PURPOSE:     Anglophone School Districts recognize that there can be significant educational value when students participate in well planned school trips. School trips may be defined as school sanctioned activities that support and enhance education as well as curriculum outcomes. They broaden the students’ experience, knowledge and skills which will in turn add to their ability to meet success after leaving public education.

Because school trips usually take place away from school property this policy will outline appropriate organization and supervision standards to ensure that the health and safety of students are maintained during these activities.


This Policy applies to all Schools within the New Brunswick Anglophone School Districts.


PUBLIC EDUCATION: educational programs and services, extending from kindergarten to graduation from high school, provided by the Minister under this Act to persons who are of school age (Education Act and Regulation 97-150).

SCHOOL TRIPS: off-site activities sponsored and organized by schools within an Anglophone District.

CO-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES/TRIPS: activities or trips organized by teaching staff to help achieve one or more curricular outcomes using, or extending into, instructional time.  Examples include science forums, career expositions, drama festivals, leadership forums,

music festivals, field trips to community facilities or museums, libraries, curling clubs, community gyms, legislature, etc.

EXTRA-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES:  optional student activities endorsed by the school administration and organized for students by persons who may or may not be employed by the school district. These activities may or may not contribute directly to specific curriculum activities and are normally conducted outside the instructional day. They do not usually involve all students in a class.

ATHLETIC TRIPS:  extra-curricular activities usually held outside of instructional time and at times requiring travel to school sponsored sporting activities or tournaments.


Responsibility of Superintendents Respecting Pupils – Education Act and Regulation 97-150

14  Subject to any policies or directives of the District Education Council concerned, the superintendent of the school district shall require that every pupil …

(h) is subject to the supervision and control of the teacher while travelling to and from and while engaged in school sponsored extra-curricular activities of any kind, and be subject to discipline as provided for in the Act and the regulations in the same manner and to the same extent as if attending regular school classes, and […]

52 On such terms and conditions as the Minister considers appropriate, the Minister may indemnify and defend…

(a) members of the Parent School Support Committees and the District Education Councils and student teachers, in respect of any claim for damages or otherwise arising from any act done or omitted in good faith in the execution or intended execution of any duty or authority under this Act or the regulations, and

(b) volunteers, in respect of any claim for damages or otherwise arising from any act done or omitted in good faith in the execution or intended execution of any instruction on behalf and with the knowledge and consent of the superintendent concerned.



All School sponsored activities will support the Mission Statement and curricular outcomes of public education in New Brunswick.

All participants in school sponsored activities shall be able to do so in a safe, orderly, and respectful environment.  There is a clearly defined responsibility of adults, including staff, parents, and volunteers to ensure that the health and safety of students is properly supported.


Broad Participation: Co- and extra-curricular activities will be organized in ways that encourage participation by a broad sector of the student population.

Balance: The students’ need for a balance between studies, co- and extra-curricular activities, home and community responsibilities will be respected. Students will be encouraged to participate in a variety of activities.

Primacy of Instructional Time: School Principals have the responsibility to maximize instructional time for students while providing a broad, balanced, and equitable co- and extra-curricular program within a framework of provincial, district and school policies. The organization and conduct of co- and extra-curricular activities will respect the primacy of school based instructional time.

Responsibility: Parties involved in the planning and administration of co- and extra­ curricular activities have a responsibility to ensure that programs respect the principles of broad participation, equity, balance and the primacy of instructional time.

Fair Play: School administrators, teachers, activity advisors, coaches, parents, and students have a responsibility to ensure that ethical moral integrity, and fair play are intrinsic to all co-curricular and extra-curricular activities.

Principals will periodically review the school’s co- and extra-curricular activities to ensure that they are in keeping with the above principles. Organizations involved in the planning and administration of co- and extra-curricular activities will periodically review their programs to ensure that they are in keeping with the above.


Planning and Approval

  1. School trips shall be scheduled so that students and teachers miss the least amount of class time possible.
  • Trips shall not exceed three instructional days.
  • School trips extending beyond three instructional days must be approved by the Superintendent or Designate.
  • Co-curricular trips for the last week of school are to be requested no later than May 15th each year and are to take place during regular school hours. Trips for this last week will be approved and assigned to the limit which operational requirements permit.
  • Co-curricular trips scheduled within the last three weeks of school, while being cognizant of the grade level of students involved, should be limited to protect instructional time.

2. Preference for class/school trip destinations is given to local and provincial locations. National and International locations should only be considered when it can be demonstrated that the objectives of the trip cannot be met locally.

3. Before a school trip is approved, the following information shall be provided:

  • the educational purpose of the trip
  • a brief outline of planned orientation and follow-up of a co-curricular trip
  • an itinerary, including dates, and arrangements for travel
  • the release time for staff if needed
  • a complete list of the students involved, grade levels, Medicare numbers
  • a list of chaperones/supervisors who have been approved by the Principal
  • an emergency communication plan
  • additional information shall be provided based on the duration and destination of the trip including:
    • the methods by which the trip is to be funded
    • supplementary health insurance numbers
    • accommodations during the trip
    • a budget outline

4. The plan for a school trip shall be submitted to the Principal to initiate the approval process.

5. School employees are not permitted to promote, organize, or supervise a school trip which has not received the prior approval as outlined in this policy.

6. Trips promoted by organizations outside of school may not be organized, advertised, or sanctioned by the school. Planning must happen off school property.  Anglophone Districts are not responsible for these trips.


  1. The School District is responsible for ensuring the safe transportation of students and authorizes procedures to regulate the use of vehicles for co-curricular trips. Such trips shall not interfere with the normal conveyance of pupils to and from school. If there is a need for the trip to go beyond instructional hours, appropriate plans with parents/guardians must be made.
  1. First consideration should be given to using school buses when co-curricular trips within school hours are planned. Co-curricular trip requests are to be submitted on the transportation management system 10 working days in advance of the trip date.
  1. If the use of school buses is not feasible, only approved transportation as specified in Policies 512 and 513 shall be utilized.

Weather Conditions

  1. It shall be necessary to cancel or, if possible, re-schedule a school trip should inclement weather conditions warrant.
  1. Should weather conditions change during a trip, then the trip supervisor(s) shall contact the Principal or District Office regarding a plan of action.

Trip Supervision

  1. Supervisors must include both male and female chaperones when a trip includes male and female students.
  1. It is the responsibility of the teacher(s)/supervisor(s) to ensure the approved itinerary is maintained.
  1.  A detailed itinerary and contact points together with a list of students, including contact information and relevant medical data, and teacher(s)/supervisor(s) must be left with school administration.  A copy shall be maintained with the teacher(s)/supervisor(s).
  1.  The following supervisor to student ratios must be respected. Please consider the nature of the trip and the students participating.
SCHOOL TRIPGr KGr 1-5Gr 6-8Gr 9-12
Day Field Trip1:51:101:121:15
Overnight Field tripN/A1:101:121:15
Out of Province TripN/AN/A1:121:15
Canoe/Watercraft/Ski TripN/AN/ASee Physical Education Guidelines 1:5See Physical Education Guidelines 1:5


  1. All approved co- and extra-curricular trips are an extension of the regular school program. Therefore, the expectation of behaviour is equivalent to the expected behaviour in the regular inclusive classroom as described in Policy 703 – Positive Learning and Working Environment.
  2. The consequences of inappropriate behaviour on the part of students should be clearly outlined to students and parents by staff prior to the activity taking place.        
  3. Teachers or school appointed leaders shall monitor behaviour at all student-based activities in the same manner as they would at school.
  4. Teachers shall intervene to correct behaviour at all student-based activities in the same manner as they would at school.
  5. Every teacher shall ensure the incidences of serious misbehaviour are reported to the school administration.
  6. Chaperones are considered role models for students, in the supervisory capacity chaperones must abide by all school policies, as the trip is an extension of the school day.

Parent/Guardian Notification and Consent

  1. A clear, organized, detailed itinerary of an approved school trip must be communicated in writing to parents/guardians.
  2. Parents/guardians shall sign and submit, prior to the trip, a consent form giving approval for the student to participate in all trips.
  3. Parents/Guardians shall be informed of any significant changes to the itinerary. For example, a delay in returning to the school.
  4. When a school trip returns after the hours of instruction, arrangements shall be made with parents/guardians to ensure students arrive safely to their home.

Athletic Trips and Co-curricular Trips with a Physical Education Component

Watercraft Trips

Trips involving watercraft are intended to extend the academic world of the classroom to the natural world, thus providing an opportunity for students to become familiar with their environment and, through practical experience, learn how to be custodians of the wilderness.

  1. A maximum of twenty students may be involved in any one group.
  2. The appropriate section of the Safety Guidelines for Physical Education in New Brunswick shall be respected when planning a trip including equipment, clothing/footwear, facilities, special rules/instructions, and supervision.
  3. The plan should identify the instructor, leader, teacher, or trip supervisor who has the required certifications. For example, lifeguard (Royal Lifesaving Bronze Medallion or Award of Merit), small watercraft certification, Level 2 Canoe Certification (N. B. Canoeing Association) or equivalent certification rating, a current Basic Life Support certificate.
  4. All participating students must pass a swim pre-test in a pool, prior to going on the trip as described in the Physical Education Safety Guidelines.  This is arranged and supervised by the teacher.
  5. Each trip requires a written Emergency Action Plan (Appendix E Safety Guidelines for Physical Education in New Brunswick), approved by the Principal.
  6. In addition to the approved Emergency Action Plan the Principal, trip leader and Office of the Superintendent must have the following information:    

-a list of student participants with their home telephone numbers 

-a parental consent form

-a detailed itinerary

-relevant medical information including Medicare number

  1. Trips involving overnight or an out of province destination should refer to the appropriate sections on this policy for any additional requirements.

Downhill Ski Trips

Downhill ski trips will be a possible co-curricular activity for students in Grades K to 12.                      

Co-curricular activities are those organized by teaching staff to help achieve one or more curriculum objectives which use, or extend into, instructional time. Ski trips shall adhere to Policy 709 Appendix A and Safety Guidelines for Physical Education in New Brunswick.

  1. Ski trips shall have an education orientation, complete with a lesson plan.
  2. School trips will not be permitted during school hours for the sole purpose of recreational amusement.
  3. Schools must be informed as to the numbers of fully qualified ski instructors available, any limit on the number of students, safety precautions and the cost per pupil prior to authorization being given for trips.
  4. Adequate arrangements should be made to provide suitable clothing and equipment for participating students. Certified ski helmets are mandatory.
  5. Each student will be permitted to participate in only one school day of skiing per school year and will have a signed parental/guardian consent form acknowledging the potential for injury.

Overnight Trips

It may at times be necessary that students be away for one or more night(s) due to distance, nature of the activity, scheduling of sports events, or weather.

  1. Sports related or any other overnight trip shall be scheduled so that students and teachers miss the least amount of class time possible.
  2. Overnight trips within the province require the approval of the Principal. Requests for tentative approval shall be made 20 days prior to the trip.
  3. Overnight trips outside the province (Atlantic Canada etc.) require the approval of the Superintendent or designate.  Requests should be made 40 days prior to the trip. Exceptions may be considered in the case of certain events.
  4. There shall be no transportation of students between midnight and 6:00 a.m. unless authorized by the Superintendent.
  5. In addition to the information required in the Planning and Approval section (Item 3) of this Policy the plan shall also include:
    • methods by which the trip is to be funded
    • evidence of adequate health insurance coverage if the trip is outside the province
    • list of chaperones, male and female as appropriate
    • copy of the guidelines provided to the chaperones
  1. identification of at least one adult trip supervisor who holds a current St. John Ambulance First Aid Certificate or Workplace First Aid Level
  2. Staff must record their absence through their Absence Management System and receive approval from the Superintendent or designate.
  3. The approval of an overnight trip or a high-risk activity is at the discretion of the Principal and/or the Director of Schools.

Out-of-Province, National or International Trips

  1. Appropriately organized school sponsored trips to destinations outside the province will be considered, subject to District and Provincial policy.
  2. School trips organized for out of province must be carried out by a licensed tour   company or a New Brunswick licensed Motor Coach Company. With the exception of international travel, this shall not impact sport activities that regularly travel within Atlantic Canada and Quebec, as well as activities involving a small number of students such as Reach for the Top, Envirothon, leadership programs etc.
  3. School trips may be approved by the Superintendent for international destinations for Grades K – 12 students.
  4. Requests for tentative approval of national trips (Atlantic Canada etc.) should be made 40 teaching days prior to the trip. Exceptions may be considered in the case of certain events. Requests for tentative approval of international trips should be made 60 teaching days prior to the trip.
  5. At least one adult trip supervisor must hold a current Basic Life Support certificate when students travel outside the province.
  6. Plans for all out of province travel shall include the information in Item 3 of the Planning and Approval section of this policy including:
    • the methods by which the trip is to be funded
    • supplementary health insurance numbers
    • accommodations during the trip
  • a budget outline

Out of Province Travel for School Staff

All out of province travel must be conducted in accordance with the Travel Directive AD- 2801 of the Province of New Brunswick Administration Manual.

  1. An Out-of-Province Travel Request form must be completed for all out of province travel. Travel requests must be approved by the School Principal, Director of Schools, and the District Superintendent.
  2. Teachers are permitted to promote and organize trips within the operation of the school only if it follows Anglophone Districts Policies on School Field Trips and has received prior approval from the Director of Schools and the Superintendent.
  3. If the travel request is not consistent with District priorities, is not directly related to the curriculum, or of a personal nature, please consult the relevant clause of the Teachers Collective Agreement (Articles 31 to 37).
  4. Individuals are not permitted to enter into personal agreements to pay their own supply teachers. Third party billing must go through the Director of Schools in the district’s absence management system. In making such arrangements, School Districts will pursue a “cost-neutral” option.
  5. Third-party billing will be for full substitute salary unless applicable circumstances warrant consideration.
  6. Airline tickets or other irreversible arrangements should not be made in advance in the expectation that approval is forthcoming.
  7. Travel in New Brunswick requires the approval of the School Principal or immediate supervisor.


Education Act and Regulation 97-150

Policy 701

Policy 703

Physical Education Guidelines


District Superintendents

Directors of Schools

Upcoming Events