
   The transportation services team strives to provide an efficient, economical and equitable service to all students eligible for bus transportation, at the same time recognizing the need to minimize indiscriminate use of the transportation system.

  Anglophone North School District Transportation Department uses 120 school buses to cover from Bouctouche at South to the Quebec border in the north and Blackville \ Saint-Quentin on the West to the Ocean on the East.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

More information about transportation standards, guidelines, and safety can also be found on the Government of New Brunswick – Pupil Transportation website​​​​​.
Which students are elligible to receive transportation?

Students who live more than 2.4 km (1.5 miles) from their neighbourhood school, and 1.5 km down a side road from the closest bus stop location. Education Act, Regulation 2001-51: Pupil Transportation Regulations.

Please note that, the parents/guardians of a student granted permission to attend a school outside of their geographic boundary could be responsible for the transportation of that student to and from school.

How do I apply for transportation?

Application for transportation may be made at the school which the student attends. Education Act, Regulation 2001-51.

Under what circumstances can pupil transportation be removed?

Pupil transportation can be removed for discipline infractions or actions that compromise student, driver, or public safety. Pupil transportation is a privilege, not a right. Education Act, Regulation 2001-51.

How do I determine what bus my student is on?

〉 Go to the BusPlanner website

〉 Click on Parent Portal and follow the instructions to subscribe

〉 Add your students. You will need: student id number (NBEN on Report Cards), birth date, house number (do not fill in full address, do not include street name), and school.

After completing the above, you will receive the bussing information (bus number, bus stop, bus arrival time and bus route) for your child or children. You can also choose to receive alerts pertaining to school closures, bus delays and cancellations.

Can my child get an alternate drop-off / pickup location?

ASDN currently has a 1 stop policy for students. Student are allowed 1 morning pickup and one afternoon drop off. If a child is required to go somewhere else, it is the parents responsibility to make arrangements.

What if my address has changed?

Submit the new address to the school that the student attends. All bussing information comes from the schools to our transportation system.

What should my child know about school bus safety?

The Department of Education has prepared a school bus safety presentation and safety guidelines which can be viewed at EECD Pupil Transportation – School Bus.

Student’s should:

· be at the bus stop at least 5 minutes early.

· wait patiently at the bus stop and not engage in horseplay.

· be careful getting on and off the bus.

· obey the instructions of their school bus driver.

Our subdivision or side street does not have sidewalks, and has poor lighting. How can I have the bus stop moved closer?

Many of the sub-divisions in our district do not have sidewalks and the lighting is poor in many areas. With our routing software, and our knowledge of the areas we service, we try very hard to place our bus stops at the safest location possible. But, it is very important to remember that it is the responsibility of the parent or legal guardian to see that a child gets safely to and from the bus stop.

Can I make special arrangements directly with the bus drive?

No. The Driver is NOT authorized to change route or stop locations.

I have an infant at home; can I have a closer bus stop?

No, your child’s transportation is governed by the same policies as other families who do not have infants at home. It is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to get your child to and from the bus stop in both the morning and afternoon.

Recent News

Upcoming Events

School Bus Safety


Student School Bus Safety Training


School bus drivers work with students on their buses to ensure they know how to be safe in and around the bus. This is reinforced in the classroom with the Department of Education Dino-Bus school bus safety program giving support for students kindergarten to Grade 12.

Within the first few weeks of school each year all students receive the school bus safety orientation program for students kindergarten to Grade 12. Information is distributed to parents at the May kindergarten orientation meetings at the schools. Older students who have not been on a bus before, but will be that fall can also take advantage of the First-Time Riders program at this time.

During the first few months of school all students will participate in school bus emergency evacuation drills and once again in the fall and after Christmas break. Additionally, each school bus driver is to review emergency evacuation procedures with each of their bus loads of students.


Student School Bus Safety Misconduct


Safety is paramount. Students have the primary responsibility for their own actions. Every eligible student has the privilege to be conveyed by school bus without harassment or disruption and has the corresponding responsibility not to deny this right to other students.

Bus Planner Delays and Cancellations


There is now another way for you to find out if your bus route is delayed or school is closed – You can subscribe to email notifications. Follow these step by step instructions:


► Go to Parent Portal in Bus Planner and click on Create Account

► Enter your email in the Create Account box, and click of “I’m not a robot”

► After submit you will receive an email with a confirmation link

► Click confirm and sign in using your email and password

To add a subscription; click on the type, Bus (route), School Closure (individual school), or General Notices (district closures) follow the instructions to search for a school name or bus route.

Click off all the routes applicable to you. You can add or remove subscriptions at any time.